Roasted Zizyphi Semen Preparata ( Spine Date Seeds/Jujube seeds ) 4oz/113g
Insomnia, Anxiety, Cardiovascular disease, Physical strength, Immune enhancement, Brain health, Helping to grow the child's height, Having analgesic and anticonvulsive action
Boil the 20g of herbs in 1L of water for about an hour over medium heat.
I recommend drinking 2-3 times a day.
(Cool and Refrigerate.)Pouch
The amazing medicinal uses of Suan Zao Ren, also known as sour jujube seed in English-speaking countries, were recorded very early on the “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic”, in which this Chinese herb was placed in the top-grade category thanks to the healing properties of settling five Zang viscera, losing weight, and prolonging life. So, do not underestimate this wild fruit that is not eye-catching at all because it may be the one and only medication that can cure the insomnia that has troubled you so long. In Chinese herbal remedies, it nourishes the liver, tranquilizes the heart, calms the mind, and arrests sweating. Today it is often used to treat neurasthenia, irritability, insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, nervousness, and so on. From the point of view of western medicine, it extends the deep sleep hours by impacting the slow-wave sleep.
Suan Zao Ren side effects, contraindications, and drug interactions
Suan Zao Ren, seeds taken from the ripe jujube fruit, can help the patients get rid of the torture of insomnia and thereby give them a good night’s sleep, recover the heartbeat of patients who are suffering from arrhythmias, and make neurasthenia patients energetic again. As you can see now, this herb offers tons of health benefits. But this is exactly the reason more and more people ignore its side effects and abuse it.1) Aggravating pathogenic heat. According to Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing Shu (Commentary on ‘Shen Nong’s Classic of the Materia Medica), it shouldn’t be used in the patients who are with excess heat pathogen in channels of liver, gallbladder, and spleen because of its astringent nature.
2) Causing diarrhea. According to Ben Cao Qiu Zhen (Facts of Materia Medica), people who have gastrointestinal dysfunction should avoid excessive consumption of it since it can lubricate the intestinal tract.
3) Causing allergy. Its decoction can occasionally result in allergic reactions, such as nettle rash (hives), generalized pruritus, chills, fever, joint pain, and the like.
4) Causing numbness in the lips. The triterpenoids contained can cause numbness, clogging feeling in throat, drooling, stiff tongue, heart rhythm disorders, and a series of other adverse reactions.
5) Causing excessive stomach acid. Excessive consumption will aggravate the condition of hyperacidity because of its acidic property.
Room Temperature